January 2025


Types of Yoga

[xyz-ips snippet="Types-of-Yoga"] Once the yogi has achieved mastery of self, he is ready to join with a partner whose energies and spirit complement his own in such a way that together they form a "whole". The partners must first achieve a highly developed awareness within their being before they are…

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga? : Yoga means 'Oneness' and constitutes the essence of every possible religion, the gist of every creed and the core of every spiritual path. In ancient India, yoga was practised by such sages as Shiva, Rama, Krishna and Vyasa. What Krishna teaches Arjuna is not Krishnaism, but…

Yoga Cure for Obesity

The article aims at describing an easy Yoga posture for controlling obesity.Obesity in the United States is highest in the world and has become a major health issue in recent decades. Let us understand that Obesity and Overweight are different terms. You may be overweight but not obese. Still both…

Mandukasana – Yoga Posture for Curing Diabetes

The article describes a Yoga posture for Diabetes cure. Caution: In case you are suffering from abdominal injuries, any kind of back pain, knee injury etc. then do not perform this asana. In case of knee injury avoid this. It is better to take advice of your doctor. How to…

A Yoga Posture for Flexible Body

A Yoga Posture for Flexible Body Yoga Posture - Paschimotaan-asana is a Hatha Yoga Asana,which is good for increasing flexibility of your physical body. A regular practice of this asana(posture) also improves appetite and cures many other problems Paschimotaan-asana There are many Hatha Yoga Asana (Yoga Postures) each has some…

A Yoga Posture for Slim Trim Body and Healthy Mind

A Yoga Posture for Slim Trim Body and Healthy Mind Yoga Posture - Halasana is a Hatha Yoga Asana, which is very easy to do and carries many benefits. A regular practice of this asana (posture) improves physical and mental health and increases sexual stamina. The name Halasana is derived…

Basic Precautions of Yoga

Precautions of Yoga - Yoga imposes certain disciplines for a balanced and contented life. These disciplines have scientific justifications. Unlike superficial, frivolous lifestyles without any do's or don'ts, the regular practice of yoga helps by cultivating character, good eating, cleansing, proper breathing, ideal sex and relaxation. It is designed to…

Advantages of Yoga

[xyz-ips snippet="Advantages-of-Yoga"] Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

Basic Principles of Yoga

Regular practice of yoga, helps in cultivating a strict discipline in food habits, cleanliness, sex and character, thus enabling one to become a better person. The therapeutic use of yoga is widely known. In fact, today, yoga is considered a global phenomenon and an essential part of modern civilisation. However,…

How to Start Yoga?

[xyz-ips snippet="How-to-Start-Yoga"] Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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