
Discover The Magic Of Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

Whenever you see a number once, twice, and again, for the third time, it is not just a coincidence; it means something. Although they appear in ordinary places, they grab our attention and sometimes even evoke a sense of wonder. These are called Angel numbers, number sequences seen repeatedly and…

Understanding the Power of Compound Numbers in Numerology

Understanding the Power of Compound Numbers in Numerology : The science of Numerology can be more insightful and accurate when compound numbers are considered along with single-digit numbers. In numerology, the single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 are referred to as single numbers, while the two-digit numbers from 10 to…

Numerology Health : Your Health Revealed in the Date of Birth

Numerology Health - Your health revealed in the date of birth, Health numbers, Numbers and health, numerology health. Waqt ka har shay gulaam, Time rules every person. Our health is influenced by the numbers that govern us. All numbers are governed by some planets. These planets emit rays which have…

Career Numerology and Suggestions for Each Number

Career Numerology - Each single digit number from 1 to 9 carries distinct vibration. The personality traits as per birth date number suggest certain careers which will as per numerology suit well for an individual...... What is your date of birth? Just take the date leaving aside the month and…

Pythagorean and Chaldean Systems of Numerology

There are two main systems for assigning the numerical values to the alphabets of English language. The alphabets of the English language have been assigned numerical values in order to determine the Numerological vibrations of names. The Numerical values of alphabets are useful in finding a compound number as well…

Numerology and Karma

Numerology helps us to be aware of our life, objectives, obstacles and the talent that we possess. Some letters and numbers are associated right from the time we are born for e.g. Name, Date of Birth, Time of birth etc. By knowing this we can move in the right direction…

The Numerology of the Mind

The human mind can be personalised by the number 2. It is an egoistic expression of the first principle viz. the Soul which is the number 1.. [xyz-ips snippet="The-Numerology-of-the-Mind"] • In case your date of birth number is 2 but your name number is 1, 4, 5, 7 or 8…

Pythagorean and Chaldean Numerology

The author believes that the Chaldean Numerology gives more accurate and reliable results as compared to the Pythagorean. Study of many cultures reveals ancient beliefs about numbers having some mysterious connection between physical things and happenings and forces which govern life. The ancient wise were astonished to discover numbers and…

Digitally connecting with the people, using numerology

With the help of numerology, future of a person can be predicted accurately. Numerology is a science related to the numbers, and every number has an impact on everybody’s life. There is a hidden meaning of a number, when it is shown along the journey of life. Life of any…

How to select a lucky name using KP astrology and astro numerology?

Selecting A Lucky Name Using Astro-Numerology And Kp Astrology Principles Lucky Name - Though the fate of an individual is predestined according to past karmas of a person, miseries suffered by a person can be reduced to a certain extent by taking recourse to remedial measures, and by resorting to…

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