In Fengshui a multi tier Pagoda Tower is a symbol of rising up in life through good luck and success in education and career. Pagodas also are believed to be symbols of protection and prosperity. They are often used as cures to harmonize the energy in a home or office.…
The lucky bamboo is one of the most popular FengShui item for home or office. Is it really a bamboo plant and does the number of stalks matter? Find answers to these and much more in this article. It is in fact not a bamboo plant but as a FengShui…
General Introduction According to astrology, Venus is a feminine planet and it governs love, romance, luxury, beauty, fashion designing, arts, and married life. Venus makes the transition for 23 days, which means that Venus stays in a zodiac sign for 23 days. Venus is also responsible for marriages and if…
Nature is freely providing abundance of varied energy through different colours. The article guides how colours can balance your ruffled mind and body. You must have noticed that when you are mentally disturbed you do not like too bright lights or colours. At such times cool soothing shades such as…
A Chinese proverb says that a picture is worth thousand words, which means that a picture conveys lot more information about a topic as compared to its expression through thousand words. When you look at a symbol a relevant train of thoughts is generated. A symbol with negative meaning will…
Although mind is supposed to be obedient to the intelligence yet it is so strong and adamant that it sometimes overcomes the intelligence. Mind under control is a source of positive power and energy but causes troubles if uncontrolled. In the verse (Shaloka) 34 of chapter 6 of India’s great…
Feng Shui for Health - Health is wealth and there is no doubt in it. Once you lose health through negligence no amount of wealth can bring it back. So why not follow the Feng Shui wisdom and enjoy vibrant health at negligible cost? Feng Shui for Health; Quality of…
The Chinese science of Feng-Shui is more an art than science and to talk from experience of many Feng-Shui is the true ‘Art of Life’. Let the easy to follow five steps take you closer to the reality of Health and Happiness. Have faith in the ancient art of Feng-Shui…
By ‘Chi’ energy is meant the vital life giving subtle energy without which no life is possible. In India this energy is known as the ‘Prana’ energy. The subtle vital energy called in India as ‘Prana’ is named ‘Chi’ in China and ‘Ki’ in Japan. The Native Americans know it…
Fengshui Tips - Here are eight Miraculous Tips of Fengshui 1. No unnecessary things in the kitchen Do not keep unnecessary things in the kitchen like, rotten fruits and vegetables, old packets and bottles, empty boxes, unusable electrical appliances, filled up garbage bins, old utensils which have never been used,…
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