Career Preferences of Sun Signs

Career preferences sun signs, Your Sun Sign is basically the zodiac sign in which the Sun was at the time of your birth. The Sun being most powerful carries great importance in astrology, so birth during the Sun in a particular sign impinges lifelong specific influences on the native.


This article highlights the probable career wise preferences of each sun sign. In case you are not aware of your Sun Sign then just refer the following table. Locate the period shown in the rows of the following table-1 in which your date of birth falls and read the Sign against it in the second column, so that is the Sun Sign to which you belong.

Period in which Date of Birth falls

Corresponding Sun Sign

21 Mar To 20 Apr


21 Apr To 21 May


22 May To 21 Jun


22 Jun TO 22 Jul


23 Jul To 23 Aug


24 Aug To 22 Sep


23 Sep To 23 Oct


24 Oct To 22 Nov


23 Nov To 21 Dec


22 Dec To 20 Jan


21 Jan To 18 Feb


19 Feb To 20 Mar


Career preferences sun signs below


This sign produces leaders or individuals with marked individuality and love of freedom to do anything they like. They love creative and challenging work, but may soon give up under undue pressure of seniors.They have little interest in routine or boring work.

They stay longer at a place of work where their work is recognised with incentives and they have freedom of taking decisions.

Professions related to defence, police, law, metal work, security, surgery, scientific work, engineering, sales and marketing, exploration, dentistry, and neurologymay suit well.


A Taurus born is a practical person and likes to work in a friendly environment with some degree of operational freedom and no interference. Under pressure of work they do not normally give up rather if persuaded can do better.

They may fit well in careers related to cosmetics, perfumes, luxury products,gems and jewellery, products for females,banks, agriculture, music, advertising and publicity, tailoring, pharmacy, acting, art, interior decoration etc.


They always prefer work of their choice in order to prove their worth.They prefer to work in a friendly and familiar environment with some degree of freedom.

They like to exercise their intellect and thus prove good as think tanks. They suit well for career related to analytical work, problem solving, communications, innovations and research. Careers related to communication, transportation, journalism, writing, teaching, television, Administration, computer operation, law practice, research work, editing, brokerage, accounting, sales and marketing, company representations, teaching, engineering, counselling, may suit well.


Cancer born are generally hard workers, reliable but emotionally sensitive. They love to have a good bank account as a security for future and for that they even tend to work more than others.

They love to work in a tranquil and friendly environment.

Careers related to sea such as shipping, sea products etc.,and fluids, milk, chemicals, research, catering, hospitals, antique items, exploration, travelling and caring etc. may suit well.


They like authority, freedom and respect and work best among people who are cordial and respect each other’s privacy.They are generally hard workers and do not like lazy people especially working under them.They fit well in jobs requiring physical and mental exercise.

Leo born person may fit well in careers related to politics, administration, government service, management work, forestry, defence, police, herbal products and medicines.


A Virgo born is most suitable for finding solutions and for detailed and concentration requiring work. They work best in environment of honesty and recognition of work.
They are quite fair and honest and also expect the same treatment from others. A Virgo person may not prove good in positions where they are expected to lead others or work among dishonest people.
Careers related to teaching, computers,astrology, radio and television, writing, editing, psychology, banking, sales, communications, and journalism may suit well.


A Libran is usually slow in making decision as they require sufficient time to weigh pro and cons before final decisions. They prove good while working as part of a team.
A Libra born may fit well in careers related to sales, advisory services, writing, architecture,hospitality,representations, law and order, art, fashion, modelling, designing, furniture designing, garments, photography, singing, films and television etc.


A Scorpio born is usually a mental warrior and very determined in their views. Although they themselves are mystical and secretive yet they expect fair dealing and friendly environment.

A Scorpio born suits well in careers related to nursing, health care, chemistry, chemicals and drugs, explorations, dentistry, research, butchering, navigation, occult or Tantric work, philosophy, astrology, agency work, secret services, defence and police, security etc.


A Sagittarian works well in environment of freedom, flexibility and absence of undue pressures. They are generally positive thinkers and like challenging work. They are straight forward and express their true feelings. They like change.
They suit well for careers related to editing, publishing, sports, horse riding, Municipalityand courts, financial matters, religious preaching etc.


Capricorn born persons like to work hard and take responsibilities also they do not mind doing any routine work. They can work equally well under work pressures.
A Capricorn born does not like sudden changes and unexpected things so they avoid changes.
They suit well for careers related to forests, mining, agriculture and horticulture, banking, event management etc.


They make friends easily and like to work as part of a team.They have good intellect and have many creative and practical ideas.

They dislike hypocrisy and dishonesty and expect recognition of their work. They are good at supervising workers and guiding them.

An Aquarian is best suited for careers related tocomputer technology, science, Space, automobiles, social work, astrology, hypnosis, naturopathy, engineering, and philosophyetc.


They would like to utilise their creativity and imagination at work. Pisces people do not like routine work and prefer change and freedom.

They are by nature loving, caring and compassionate and like to work in beautiful and peaceful environment.

They like to interact with people and use their imagination and creativity.
Careers related to marine, transportation, chemicals, petroleum products, hospitals, jails, cinema, sea products, import-export, music etc. may suit well.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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