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Nakshatra Swati

Nakshatra Swati Nakshatra Swati (6° 40’ Libra- 20° 00’ Libra) is the fifteenth Nakshatra and the word ‘Swati’, like other Sanskrit terms, evokes a wide variety of English meanings like ‘self-going’, ‘good goers’, ‘independent’, ‘s...

Nakshatra Hasta

Nakshatra Hasta Nakshatra Hasta (10° 00’ Virgo- 23° 20’ Virgo) is the thirteenth Nakshatra and the word ‘Hasta’s main translation is “the hand”. Its alternative translation is ‘Laughter’. Its alternative names ‘Bhanu’ and ‘Ark’ tr...

Nakshatra Purvaphalguni

Nakshatra Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Purvaphalguni 13°20’ – 26°-40’ Leo is eleventh Nakshatra. The word ‘Purvaphalguni’ translates into the “former reddish one”, “the former” or “little fig tree”. The color red always evokes a ...

Nakshatra Punarvasu

Nakshatra Punarvasu Nakshatra Punarvasu 20°00 Gemini- 3°20’ Cancer is seventh Nakshatra and The word ‘Punarvasu’ is derived from Puna+ Vasu, which means return, or renewal, GoodAgain, Wealthy Again or the Visible Infinity. The Vas...

Special Transits of Saturn

Special Transits of Saturn Transits of Saturn – The planet Saturn stays in a zodiac sign for an average of two and a half years. The actual period may vary as it stays longer in a sign when it gets retrograde. Saturn is cons...


Lammas (Lughnasadh) August 1 marks the cross-quarter day known as Lammas, or in Ireland, Lughnasadh. It is one of the four traditional cross-quarter days, this time celebrating the first wheat harvest and signalling the end of sum...

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga Raja Yoga or the Royal Yoga is the majestic royal path to self-realisation. This great Yoga as propounded by the Rishi Patanjali is known as Raja Yoga. “tapasvibhyo’dhiko yogi jnanibhyo’pi mato’dh...

What is Graphology

Graphology Graphology is more usually known as handwriting analysis. Considered both an art and science. It is study of handwriting. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengt...