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Marriages during Jupiter’s Transit in Leo

Marriages during Jupiter’s Transit in Leo There is lot of misconception regarding performing marriages ceremonies during Jupiter’s transit through the Leo sign also called Sinhasta Guru. Is it really inauspicious time? All planets...

VAKRASANA (twisted pose)

VAKRASANA (twisted pose) Description Steps 1. VAKRASANA – Keep your legs stretched in the sitting position. Raise the right leg by bending the knee and pull the foot until it rests by the side of your left knee. 2. Place you...

LaalKitaab (The Red Book)

Laal Kitaab (The Red Book) The Book of Hope and Promise.The Laal Kitaab or the Red Book containing a unique system of divination is not ‘red’ in colour. It is so called because it is as prominent as Red colour in drawing your atte...

The Great Sayings of the Vedas

The Great Sayings of the Vedas The Great Sayings are called the four Mahavakyas of the Upanishads from each of the four Vedas of the Hindus. These are great in the sense that the truth about our real status is revealed. All the fo...

Will your Child Excel in Education?

Learning is a part and parcel of life and a child starts learning from the moment of birth. For school and college level education certain houses play important role. Some Yogas indicate excellence in education. Learning starts th...

Happy Birthday Amitabh Bachchan!

* Perpetual Super-Star of Bollywood* Amitabh Bachchan popularly known as Amitabh Harivansh Bachchan is an evergreen super star of Bollywood. His 72nd Birthday falls on 11th October 2014. Amitabh Bachchan became popular in the earl...