As per the principles of Vedic astrology planetary periods start right from the time of birth and move as per specific cyclic order. This article highlights in general some favorable as well as un-favourable periods for one’s professional rise or fall and hence probable periods of one’s prosperity or scarcity.
“Ek say din narahainkisikaysamayebadaltajaye”The lyrics of this old Hindi film song emphasizes the truth that for none time is same always, but it keeps changing. This very much applies to one’s professional periods rise or fall and the resulting prosperity or scarcity.
• Periods and sub-periods of 9th, 10th and 11th lords if in a birth chart 9th and 10th lords are conjunct in the 11th house and 6th lord is exalted.
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• Periods and sub-periods of 9th and 10th lords if in a birth chart there is a sign exchange between them.
• Periods and sub-periods of 9th and 11th lords if the 10th lord occupies the 9th house and 2nd and 11th lords are conjunct in the 10th house.
• During the periods and sub-periods of a Yogakaraka planet if that planet is associated with the 1st and 10th houses.
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• During the periods and sub-periods of the 10th lord and associated planets of the dashamsha chart (D/10 Chart).
• During the periods and sub-periods of the planets associated with the ascendant, 10th house and other square and trine houses of the dashamsha chart (D/10 chart).
• During the periods and sub-periods of 6th, 8th and 10th lords if in a birth chart the 10th lord is associated with 6th or 10th houses.
• During periods and sub-periods of Saturn, 6th lord and 8th lords if in a chart the 6th and 8th lords are placed in the 10th house and receive malefic aspect of Saturn.
• During periods and sub-periods of Saturn, 8th lord and 9th lords if in a chart Saturn is in the 10th house in its enemy’s sign and the 8th lord is in the 9th house.
• During the periods and sub-periods of the 6th, 8th and 12th lords of the dashamsha chart (D/10 chart) if D/10 chart has association with the professional significators of the ascendant chart through its 6th, 8th and 12th lords.
Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar
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