Astha Koota Milan – Matching of Horoscopes

Astha Koota Milan – Matching of Horoscopes

Astha Koota Milan – In Vedic astrology, the matching of the partner’s horoscopes has always assumed great importance at the time of marriage. It is generally believed that the matching of the horoscopes is essential for a better understanding of compatibility, prospects for progeny and the wellbeing of the partners in all spheres.

Astha Koota Milan

After assessing the individual longevity and Mangalik Dosha, there is a further step in the matching of the horoscopes.

Astha Koota Milan ,In Vedic astrology, horoscopes are matched along eight parameters, as the name itself signifies – Astha Koota Milan. Each category is given a specific weighting. The maximum weighting in terms of points amounts to 36 points. Here Graha, Gana, Bhakoota and Nadi are given special consideration.

Half of the total of these points is 18, so if 18 points match, the overall compatibility is said to be average..

Matching from 18-21 is generally considered an Average Match.
Matching from 22-25 is generally considered a Fair Match.
Matching from 26-30 is generally considered a Good Match.
Matching above 30 points is considered an Excellent Match.

Parameters in Astha Koota Milan (Matching of Horoscopes)

1. Varna (1 Point) –

This category is indicative of ego development between partners. There are 4 varnas, namely: Brahmins, Kshatrya, Vaishya and Shudras. Compatibility points are given with regard to matching of these varnas in the horoscope.

1 point compatibility indicates excellent compatibility. It shows that there will be mutual respect and understanding between the partners.

0 point compatibility indicates average results. As such there can be various instances of ups and downs in married life. There can be instances of frequent misunderstandings and differences of opinion between partners.

1/2 point is not possible in this matching.

2. Vashya (2 points) –

This category indicates the level of Mutual attraction and affection between the partners. Here each Sign is represented by characteristics as Human, Chatuspad, Jalchar etc. Compatibility points are given through the matching of these vashyas in the horoscope.

2 points matching indicates that the partners are made for each other. The partners as such will be caring towards each other. The lower the point score in this regard the more the problems will arise

1.5 points are not given in this section.

1 point matching indicates average results.

0-0.5 points matching indicates below average results. In this case the chances are there that partners will not care much about each others feelings.

3. Tara (3 points) –

This category is related to the health, well being and longevity of the partners. In all there are 27 Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions). These nakshatras are arranged in three triads known as Janam, Sampat, and Vipat. There are 9 nakshatras that make up each triad. Here compatibility points are generated on the basis of calculations with reference to these nakshatra groups in the horoscope.

3 point compatibility in this regard indicates that both will enjoy good health. As such there will be no major problems in this area.

2.5 – 1.5 points matching indicates more or less average to above average results. There can be some instances of health problems, but these will be not be of major concern.

1 – 0 point matching indicates more health constraints for each other.
There can be instances of frequent health problems in the case of 0 point.

4. Yoni (4 points) –

This category is indicative of biological compatibility, sexual inclinations and satisfaction. Every nakshatra here is characterised by an animal symbol. Points in this group are generated on the basis of the compatibility between these Animal symbols.

4 point compatibility based on these symbols indicates excellent compatibility in this area.

3 point compatibility based on these symbols indicates above average compatibility in this area.

2 point compatibility based on these symbols indicates average compatibility in this area.

1 point compatibility based on these symbols indicates below average compatibility in this area. This is not a welcome situation, for it indicates more differences and problems in matters related to this category.

0 point compatibility based on these symbols indicates a number of differences, and a lack of fulfilment of desires.

Note: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 points are not possible in this catagory.

5. Graha Maitri (5 points) –

This category is indicative of general outlook, objectives, mental and intellectual compatibility as reveled in the horoscopes. Here the Moon Sign is taken into consideration. In both the horoscopes, the relationship between the Lords of the Moon Signs is judged as Friend, Neutral or Enemy based on the natural friendship between the planets. Accordingly, points are assigned on the nature of the friendship or otherwise between the Moon Signs in the horoscope.

4-5 points matching in this regard indicate excellent results. As such this shows that the partners’ thinking will be more or less same. There will not be much difference between them.

3 point matching in this regard indicates mixed results. There will be agreement on some points and disagreements on others. Overall, it indicates an average situation.

0 -1 matching point in this regard indicates below average compatibility. In this case there will be more and frequent differences between partners. The chances are strong that each partner will not try or be able to understand the other’s viewpoint.

Note: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 points are not possible in this category.

6. Gana Maitri (6 points) –

This category is indicative of temperamental characteristics, general behaviour and prosperity. In all there are three ganas in which a native can born. These three ganas are Deva, Manushya and Rakshasha. Compatibility points are generated through the matching of these ganas in the horoscope.

5 – 6 point compatibility based on these ganas indicates excellent temperamental and other adjustments.

0 – 1 points compatibility based on these ganas reveals more differences in this regard. As such there will be a lack of temperamental and behavioural adjustments.

Astrologically there are various combinations for the cancellation of this Dosha in the Horoscopes. If this Dosha is present and cancellation is also there in the horoscopes, the evil effects of this yoga are reduced to the minimal.

Note: Only 0, 1, 5 and 6 points are possible in this category.

7. Bhakoota (7 points) –

This category is indicative of general family welfare and growth, financial and professional status. Here the relative positions of the Natal Moon are judged in the horoscopes. Natal Moon placed on the 2/12, 6/8, or 5/9 axis with relation to each other are considered adverse and no point is given in this regard.

7 point compatibility indicates good health, prosperous life, children and happiness. As such, the compatibility of the Natal Moon in the horoscope enhances the prospects.

0 points matching indicates more problems. This indicates that there can be instances of struggles in the life.

Astrologically there are various combinations for the cancellation of this Dosha in the Horoscopes. If this Dosha is present and cancellation is also there in the horoscopes, the evil effects of this yoga are reduced to the minimum.

Note: Only 0 or 7 points are possible in this category.

8. Nadi (8 points) –

This category is indicative of outward physique, internal metabolism and heriditary factors. In all there are three Nadis in which a native can born. These are Aadi, Antya and Madhya Nadi. If compatibility is found with regard to this category, the full 8 points are given.

8 point compatibility based on the Nadi in horoscopes indicates excellent results in this regard.

0 point compatibility based on Nadi is not welcomed. In the presence of Nadi dosh, marriage is normally not recommended.

Astrologically there are various combinations for the cancellation of this Dosha in the horoscopes. If this Dosha is present and cancellation is also found in the horoscopes, the evil effects of this yoga are reduced to some extent.

Note: Astha Koota Milan Only 0 or 8 points are possible in this category.

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