A Guide to Seven Energy Centres called Chakras

We associate everything about a person to his or her physical body and this is the body by which we are recognised in this world as an individual. But there is lot more beyond this body which our physical eyes can’t see ……


“Chakra”, the name in Sanskrit means a circular form or a wheel; the word is also used for something in circular motion.These are in fact centres of psychic consciousness.

As suggested by Dr.Lobsang Rampa, it is better to regard these Chakras as relay stations, which link various other invisible bodies inside our physical body.

There are six Chakras along the spine from Muladhara at the base of the spine to the one at the eye brow level called Aagya Chakra. The seventh Chakra is at the top of the head and is called the Sahasrara Chakra.

The Muladhara is the seat of the Kundalini; tremendous life force sleeping like a coiled up serpent, until it is awakened through righteous living, pranayama (special breathing exercises) and meditation.

The Aagya Chakra located in the forehead; slightly above the meeting point of eyebrows is in actual contact with the over-self.

The consciousness of materialistic human dwells in lower centres. Until through yogic efforts and righteous living a person is able to raise the consciousness to the heart chakra called Anahata Chakra, real spiritual progress does not commence.

It is not by force that one can raise his or her consciousness to a particular chakra level; it is achieved through gradual spiritual development only. As the latent Kundalini power is awakened through gradual and right efforts it rises up and awakens or activates the energy centres.

In this regard Dr.Lobsang Rampa has warned not to try to raise Kundalini prematurely through wrong methods as done by some self-styled Gurus of present times.

The best way is to follow the breathing exercises as suggested by Dr.Rampa and live righteously. The great sage Dr.Rampa has given a golden rule for all round progress and it is, “Do to others as you would like them to do unto you”.

The location, associated colour and main functions controlled by all seven chakras are given in the table below:

Sr. No. Chakra Name Location Associated Colour Controls
1 Muladhara Near the organ of Excretion Red Carnal emotions and passions
2 Swadhishthana At the genitalia level Orange Feelings
3 Manipura At the umbilicus Yelow Willpower, joy, Motivation
4 Anahata At the heart level Green Compassion, Love
5 Vishudha At the throat level Blue Communication, Expression,
6 Aagya At the eyebrow level Indigo Intuition, Wisdom, Imagination
7 Sahasrara At the top of the head Violet Bliss, Divine Wisdom

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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